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Visiting Service

Would You Like More Company?

Our Visiting Service provides regular visits to older people who would like more company, to reduce social isolation and loneliness.

Our visitors are volunteers who are keen to spend time with an older person for about an hour each week to enjoy conversation and shared interests and activities. Our volunteer visitors are from a variety of backgrounds and ages. What they have in common is warmth, friendliness and a desire to make a difference in the life of an older person.

The service is for people over 65 years of age (60 years of age in Counties Manukau), who live independently in the community and would like more company.

Please contact us if you would like to discuss having a volunteer visitor or know of anyone who would benefit from this service.

Central & West Auckland

09 820 0184

Counties Manukau

09 279 4331

North Shore

09 489 4975

Would you or someone you know like more company?
Click here to email us or click on the button below to refer someone to the service.

Refer someone to this service Refer someone to this service

Volunteer Visitor

Our Volunteer Visitors enhance the well-being and quality of life of older people by providing companionship and support. A number of older people living independently in the community, for various reasons may be lonely and socially isolated, spending most of each day alone. As a visitor you have the opportunity to spend quality time with a lonely older person on a regular basis, building a mutually beneficial friendship.

Do You Have:

  • An understanding and caring of older people?
  • Warmth and friendliness?
  • Good communication skills?
  • The ability to commit to an hour a week for 12 months?
  • Cultural sensitivity and awareness?

Age Concern Auckland:

  • Recruits and selects Volunteer Visitors
  • Conducts referee and police checks
  • Provides initial training and ongoing support for Visitors
  • Matches a Visitor with an older person (client)

If you are keen to become a volunteer, contact your local office, or email us.

Please note, all volunteers will need to provide a copy of their driver's licence or passport and are subject to a police check.

Central & West Auckland

09 820 0184

Counties Manukau

09 279 4331

North Shore

09 489 4975

Charity Name: Age Concern Auckland Trust
Registration Number: CC60750