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Elder Abuse Response Service

Our Elder Abuse Response Service works to improve the quality of life of older people in abusive situations and to prevent abuse by providing information, education programmes, advocacy and support.

If you are concerned about Elder Abuse, whether you are an older person yourself, a family member, friend, neighbour or professional, you can contact our Elder Abuse Response Service for FREE and confidential advice.

Central & West Auckland

09 820 0184

Counties Manukau

09 279 4331

North Shore

09 489 4975

Click here to email us or click on the button to make a referral
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What is Elder Abuse and Neglect?

Elder Abuse is behaviour or lack of appropriate action, occurring within a relationship of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older person.

The older person and the abuser are generally people who know each other. Our statistics show that the majority of abusers are members of the older person's family (partners, sons, daughters, in laws, siblings or grandchildren). Other abusers include people employed in positions of trust - residential facility staff or paid carers.

There are many different types of Elder Abuse. These include:

Several types of abuse can be present at the same time

What are the warning signs?

The following signs may indicate an older person is being abused:

- Confusion

- Withdrawal and/or edginess

- Fear of a particular person

- Recoiling from touch

- Unexplained injuries

- Drowsiness (due to over-medication)

- Unexplained behaviour, sleeping or eating   habits

- Unusual withdrawals from bank accounts

- Unpaid bills, lack of money for necessities

How can Age Concern Auckland help?

Our qualified and experienced staff have a wide knowledge of the needs of older people and their carers and will work closely with relevant organisations to address the abuse.

- Our social workers are available for advice   and individualised support

- Free, confidential service

- Referral to appropriate agencies

- Seminars and presentations on elder      abuse and neglect prevention can be    arranged.

- Assistance in working with individuals to    improve their quality of life

- Information on all issues relating to abuse

We also provide education and awareness-raising sessions for organisations and community groups.

You can request this by contacting your local Age Concern Auckland office or click here to email us

Charity Name: Age Concern Auckland Trust
Registration Number: CC60750