Thank you for your interest in getting involved with Age Concern.
Age Concern Auckland is a charity and relies on the generosity of our community to raise over 60% of the funding required to deliver our essential community services and support. There are so many ways you can get involved with our vital work supporting older people in our community from donating, fundraising, hosting an event for us, volunteering, providing corporate support or becoming a member. Please partner with us to help ensure all the older members of our community receive the support and services they need to live meaningful and fulfilling lives.

Your donation will help us support older people in the community suffering from abuse, neglect, in need of social support...

Bequest Giving
A bequest to Age Concern Auckland allows you to leave a lasting legacy and continue to assist those who need it most long after you have gone....

If you are over 65 become a member of Age Concern Auckland and support us in our work with other people...

Thank you to all those amazing individuals and organisations who support us to do our work...