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                                                                                    Bequest Giving

A bequest to Age Concern Auckland allows you to leave a lasting legacy and continue to assist those who need it most, long after you’re gone. It is the ultimate act of kindness and caring you can show towards your community.

Age Concern Auckland is a charitable trust and relies on the generosity of our friends and supporters to raise over 60% of the funding required to deliver our essential services and support.

All bequests, large or small, will be applied to ensure a lasting impact whilst we continue to support some of the most vulnerable older people across the region.

Your bequest will ensure vital services that mitigate the negative impacts of elder abuse, neglect, loneliness and social isolation will continue uninterrupted.

The demand for our services is rapidly growing. The baby boomer generation is now reaching retirement age, and the number of Aucklanders 65+ is predicted to double by 2040, underscoring this increased demand.

After taking care of your loved ones, the easiest way to leave a gift in your Will to Age Concern Auckland is to speak with your solicitor or lawyer. They can ensure your estate is distributed in a way that honours your wishes. If you don’t have access to legal advice, such as a solicitor or professional Trustee company, the New Zealand Law Society website can give guidance.

Bequests can be made in several ways, depending on your wishes and circumstances

  • Residual – a gift from the remainder of your estate, once your loved ones have been provided for and any taxes and charges settled.
  • Percentage – a gift of a specified percentage of your estate.
  • Specific – a specified amount of money, item of property or stocks and shares.
  • Combination – a mixture of any of the above.

To leave a bequest to Age Concern Auckland

To leave a bequest to Age Concern Auckland, we recommend this wording be written in your Will: “I give, devise, bequeath (free of all charges and duties) to Age Concern Auckland the sum of $XXX (or the residue of my estate, or a percentage of my estate) for the general purposes of said Age Concern Auckland. I declare that the receipt of the Chief Executive or Financial Controller Age Concern Auckland shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my trustees for the same and my trustees shall not be bound to see the application thereof.”

If you would like to leave us a bequest in your will, these are the official details you will need:

Legal Charity Name:
Age Concern Auckland Trust

Charity Registration Number: CC60750

If you would like to talk to us further about leaving a bequest to Age Concern Auckland please contact
the communications team on
 021 242 5247 or email us at

Our special thanks to all those who have remembered us in their will

Charity Name: Age Concern Auckland Trust
Registration Number: CC60750