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Thank you to our wonderful supporters!

It costs Age Concern Auckland over $2.4 million a year to provide our services and support and only 39% of this is Government funded. We rely on the generosity of the Auckland community to raise the rest of the funds we need to ensure that all older people in our community have access to the information, services and support they require.

We are incredibly grateful to the organisations below who, through generous grants and donations, have enabled better outcomes for the tens of thousands of vulnerable older people we have supported across Auckland in the last year.

We are also incredibly thankful to the thousands of donors, members, groups and volunteers who have supported us either through financial donations, inkind donations or volunteer support.

You are amazing and none of our work would be possible without your support.

Manurewa Local Board

Manurewa Local Board

Papakura Local Board

Z energy


Maurice Paykel

Auckland Foundation

Good Bitches Bakery

Trusts Community Foundation

Working Together More Fund

Transdev Auckland

Estate of Ernest Hyam Davis & Ted & Mollie Carr Endowment Fund

NZ Transport Agency

Lottery Grants Board

Ministry of Social Development

Ministry of Health

Milestone Foundation

The Lion Foundation

Four Winds Foundation

Four Winds Foundation

Foundation North

Dragon Community Trust

Counties Manukau District Health Board


Combined Rotary Clubs of North Shore

Auckland District Health Board

Auckland Council

Charity Name: Age Concern Auckland Trust
Registration Number: CC60750