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Counselling Service

Feedback from clients of our service on what they gained from counselling:

  • Clarity
  • Confidence
  • I’m more positive, and less hard on myself
  • The anxiety work we did was helpful
  • I am now able to speak up if I don’t like something

Our Counsellor provides counselling to older adults.

​Some of the issues that can be addressed during counselling will occur because of changes in living situations, finances, mobility, physical or mental health issues and the changing relationships within whānau. All these issues are related to the ageing process and may occur in a relatively short period of time and have a significant impact on an older person’s self-confidence and independence. Our Counsellor is also able to assist older adults with issues of importance to them personally and can support people to work through feelings of loneliness and depression.
Our Counselling Service is a safe place for older people to confidentially share personal issues, without feeling judged or being told what to do.  Our counsellor supports the older person to process issues (including historical issues), see different perspectives and make their own decisions.

To contact our Counsellor  09 929 2311 or click here to email


Letter of thanks

Last year, I was very distressed and exhausted through many events with high anxiety needs. I picked up your brochure at the local doctors and with much anticipation I rang Age Concern and asked to speak to Nicole your counsellor.
Nicole has always listened with an open ear. She is comforting and reassuring and uses non-judgemental words with me. Over these sessions I have begun to feel more in control and progressing forward in my life. I have felt a huge gratitude towards Nicole for ‘being there’ at a time I needed most. Well done also to Age Concern for recognising that retirees have needs in mental health other than dementia and can be assisted by a very skilled person like Nicole to listen, reassure, guide and give learned techniques of self-care.
I hope always that your services at Age Concern will see and appreciate Nicole, your counsellor as much as I and my family have in her counselling and understanding. 
Thank you Nicole.

Charity Name: Age Concern Auckland Trust
Registration Number: CC60750